For Zak's Thought Eater contest I had to write an essay on 'Group dynamics'. You can find it here. It is the first one.
I really enjoyed writing my part and thought I had done a decent job. Not so! According to Zak's Google+ poll I lost in a dramatic way from the other contestant.
So, what went wrong?
Well, the first thing is that I took the subject literally and wrote about group dynamics within the player's group, which was the straightforward way to go. The other contestant wrote smartly about group dynamics within a certain group in the game itself; the villains to be more specific.
And although the latter was definitely the more original one, I have to admit that I was a bit hestitant on my take. However, after browsing around I couldn't find that many (good) writings about group dynamics within a group of RPG players, so I went for that. I guess it would have been wiser to find a more original view on the matter.
There are two more things that I learned from this contest and both became apparent after reading the comments on Zak's G+ account:
1) Game content is pivotal
2) Elaborate on the game content
I focused on the processes around the table and not on the table. And, although I ended with a remark on in-game solutions to solve group problems, I should have delved deeper into this specific point, as that would be directly helpful at the table. It would have been interesting to see how one could change the mood and dynamics around the table by setting your pieces in a certain way within the game itself.
Should have done that and might do it soon in a future post.
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Sunday, 18 October 2015
Personality traits as replacement for alignment
As promised the rulings for personality traits as a replacement for alignment.
In stead of alignment, the following should be recorded on a character sheet:
The traits have values between 1 and 20, and the sum of each pair is always 21. Lowering one trait score automatically means increasing the complementary score.
Actions may require a trait test. In these cases a d20 is rolled and when the result is higher than the trait score in question, the trait is increased by one (and the complementary trait lowered by one).
Trait tests occur when:
- A player's action is in line with a trait having a score of 10 or less (For instance, lying with a low Untrustworthy score).
- A player's action is in line with a trait having a score of 11 or more, but only when it would actually be beneficial to the player to follow the opposing trait. (For instance, being honest when lying would be more beneficial).
Upon character creation a player rolls 3d6 for each trait pair. The result is filled in on either side of a pair. The complementary trait score is set to the value such that the sum is 21. For instance, if you roll 13, then you put 13 on one side and 8 on the other.
Every PC has 5 main traits; these are the traits that characterise their personalities mostly and are marked on the sheet, by underlining the trait or put a mark next to them, or whatever works for you. Some classes have certain requirements as which traits should be marked, for other classes they may be chosen freely.
These main traits have a minimum requirement of 10 + level, but never higher than 18. Whenever too many main traits are below this requirement, the character will gradually experience something resembling an alignment change (see below).
Finally, if an NPC knows or has heard about a character, she will now of all the character's 15+ trait scores and the will act accordingly.
These are the predefined traits I would suggest for the AD&D (2E) classes.
Find below a table for the effects of (partially) followed main traits. To find your total personality score consult the following table for each of the main five traits and add these together.
Since the paladin is a class about morality, the requirements are more stringent than for the other classes.
In case you want to reflect that behaviour of one member of a group can radiate towards all others, you can apply the following optional rule: Whenever a natural 20 is rolled on a trait test, all other party members must roll the same trait test as well.
All dealings with alignment can be evaluated in terms of traits. If a LE magical sword is created with the idea in mind to create large bloodbaths, one could decide to replace the LE requirement with a Merciless and/or Destructive score of at least 15.
Detect or protection magic may be changed in a similar way. Detect personality will return the highest trait score. Protection from evil, can be rewritten as Protection from Merciless, Destructive etc.
If this is too much work, one could rewrite the spells as follows.
Know alignment: Whenever 7 or more traits on the left-hand side are higher, the character will radiate 'Good', on the right-hand side, it wwill be 'Evil'.
Protection from evil: Works only whenever 7 or more traits on the right-hand side are higher.
EDIT: HTML tables included
In stead of alignment, the following should be recorded on a character sheet:
Selfless | ../.. | Selfish |
Honest | ../.. | Untrustworthy |
Forgiving | ../.. | Merciless |
Spiritual | ../.. | Materialistic |
Preserving | ../.. | Destructive |
Bold | ../.. | Cowardly |
Cautious | ../.. | Rash |
Protective | ../.. | Careless |
Modest | ../.. | Unabashed |
Believing | ../.. | Doubtful |
Friendly | ../.. | Aggressive |
The traits have values between 1 and 20, and the sum of each pair is always 21. Lowering one trait score automatically means increasing the complementary score.
Actions may require a trait test. In these cases a d20 is rolled and when the result is higher than the trait score in question, the trait is increased by one (and the complementary trait lowered by one).
Trait tests occur when:
- A player's action is in line with a trait having a score of 10 or less (For instance, lying with a low Untrustworthy score).
- A player's action is in line with a trait having a score of 11 or more, but only when it would actually be beneficial to the player to follow the opposing trait. (For instance, being honest when lying would be more beneficial).
Upon character creation a player rolls 3d6 for each trait pair. The result is filled in on either side of a pair. The complementary trait score is set to the value such that the sum is 21. For instance, if you roll 13, then you put 13 on one side and 8 on the other.
Every PC has 5 main traits; these are the traits that characterise their personalities mostly and are marked on the sheet, by underlining the trait or put a mark next to them, or whatever works for you. Some classes have certain requirements as which traits should be marked, for other classes they may be chosen freely.
These main traits have a minimum requirement of 10 + level, but never higher than 18. Whenever too many main traits are below this requirement, the character will gradually experience something resembling an alignment change (see below).
Finally, if an NPC knows or has heard about a character, she will now of all the character's 15+ trait scores and the will act accordingly.
These are the predefined traits I would suggest for the AD&D (2E) classes.
Fighter: | None |
Ranger: | Preserving |
Paladin: | Selfless, Forgiving, Protective |
Cleric: | Spiritual and traits in line with deity |
Druid: | Spiritual, Preserving |
Mage: | None |
Thief: | In my campaign this will be none, but I could see people using Untrustworthy and/or Materialistic |
Bard: | Friendly |
Find below a table for the effects of (partially) followed main traits. To find your total personality score consult the following table for each of the main five traits and add these together.
Trait score | Personality score |
10 or less | -1 |
11 up to min. req. | 0 |
min. req. or more | +1 |
Total personality score | Effect |
+5 | +10% XP |
+3 of +4 | None (for Paladin: No XP) |
+1 or +2 | No XP (for Paladin: see next entry) |
0 or less | Loose one level and the traits with the five highest scores become your new main traits |
Since the paladin is a class about morality, the requirements are more stringent than for the other classes.
In case you want to reflect that behaviour of one member of a group can radiate towards all others, you can apply the following optional rule: Whenever a natural 20 is rolled on a trait test, all other party members must roll the same trait test as well.
All dealings with alignment can be evaluated in terms of traits. If a LE magical sword is created with the idea in mind to create large bloodbaths, one could decide to replace the LE requirement with a Merciless and/or Destructive score of at least 15.
Detect or protection magic may be changed in a similar way. Detect personality will return the highest trait score. Protection from evil, can be rewritten as Protection from Merciless, Destructive etc.
If this is too much work, one could rewrite the spells as follows.
Know alignment: Whenever 7 or more traits on the left-hand side are higher, the character will radiate 'Good', on the right-hand side, it wwill be 'Evil'.
Protection from evil: Works only whenever 7 or more traits on the right-hand side are higher.
EDIT: HTML tables included
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Banner silhouttes by Telecanter
A quick post, just to say that the silhouettes from the banner are by Telecanter and have been used with his permission. You can find these silhouettes and many more at his blog Telecanter's Receding Rules.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
Dungeons and Pendragons
Much has been said about the alignment system in D&D and many have tried to 'fix' it. One take I haven't seen yet, or at least not fleshed out, is the Pendragon personality traits system converted to D&D.
For those of you who don't know, in Pendragon you play a knight, or, more accurately, everybody plays a knight. You might wonder, how much fun is it to play a party consisting of only paladins, but let me assure you, it is totally awesome. In fact, it is so awesome Pendragon is one of my favourite RPGs, despite the fact that I totally love D&D and its derivatives.
Yes, you play 'only' a knight, but the game system is built in such a way that you will play your knight to the limit. It is one of the rare systems that the decline and final down-fall of your character is something inevitable, memorable, and something you are in a certain way even looking forward to. The campaign can have epic proportions, covering decades, if not centuries, of game time. Your character will grow, age, and die ... and then you will continue play with one of your own heirs!
But, I digress. Alignment. The way Pendragon handles alignment is by defining a set of opposing personality traits: Honest/Deceitful, Merciful/Cruel etc. The score of each lies in the range 1-20, but the sum of a pair is always 21. So, if your Honest=14, then automatically your Deceitful=7.
In Pendragon these scores may prevent you to perform certain actions: a honest knight might not be able to tell a particular lie. This is probably not the way you would like to handle decisions in D&D where players are used to unlimited freedom, albeit that actions can have undesired consequences. But these consequences are based on the whims of the DM and especially in case of alignment, where do you draw the line for an actual alignment change?
But there is one aspect to the Pendragon trait system that can be used within D&D and that is that the scores can change based on your actions. In Pendragon these changes happen at most once per game year, which corresponds roughly with once per adventure. For D&D I would like to propose to check if the score changes at every relevant occasion. The rules I propose are the following:
- Whenever a character performs a benificial action corresponding to a trait with a score of 10-, she must roll higher than her score on a d20 to gain a +1 on this trait (and consequently a -1 on the paired trait).
- Whenever a character performs a action not benificial to her, but corresponding to a trait with a score of 11+, she must roll higher than her score on a d20 to gain a +1 on this trait (and consequently a -1 on the paired trait).
So, basically there must be a choice: some in-game benefit vs. trait score. For example, if a character with Deceitful=7 is lying to gain something, she must roll a d20. If the die result is 7+ she will permanently change her score to 8 and consequently lower her Honest score to 13. In the opposite case, if she decides to be truthful and therefore forefeit the gain, she must roll a d20 against her Honest score. If the roll is 14+ her Honest score will now become 15 and her Deceitful 6.
In this way characters can do whatever they want to but immediately see the consequences of their actions back in their personality scores.
The main question is now, how to implement D&D alignment rules into this system. Of the top of my head alignment restrictions, spells dealing with alignment, and items usable by only certain alignments, need to be addressed and will be the subjects of the upcoming posts.
For those of you who don't know, in Pendragon you play a knight, or, more accurately, everybody plays a knight. You might wonder, how much fun is it to play a party consisting of only paladins, but let me assure you, it is totally awesome. In fact, it is so awesome Pendragon is one of my favourite RPGs, despite the fact that I totally love D&D and its derivatives.
Yes, you play 'only' a knight, but the game system is built in such a way that you will play your knight to the limit. It is one of the rare systems that the decline and final down-fall of your character is something inevitable, memorable, and something you are in a certain way even looking forward to. The campaign can have epic proportions, covering decades, if not centuries, of game time. Your character will grow, age, and die ... and then you will continue play with one of your own heirs!
But, I digress. Alignment. The way Pendragon handles alignment is by defining a set of opposing personality traits: Honest/Deceitful, Merciful/Cruel etc. The score of each lies in the range 1-20, but the sum of a pair is always 21. So, if your Honest=14, then automatically your Deceitful=7.
In Pendragon these scores may prevent you to perform certain actions: a honest knight might not be able to tell a particular lie. This is probably not the way you would like to handle decisions in D&D where players are used to unlimited freedom, albeit that actions can have undesired consequences. But these consequences are based on the whims of the DM and especially in case of alignment, where do you draw the line for an actual alignment change?
But there is one aspect to the Pendragon trait system that can be used within D&D and that is that the scores can change based on your actions. In Pendragon these changes happen at most once per game year, which corresponds roughly with once per adventure. For D&D I would like to propose to check if the score changes at every relevant occasion. The rules I propose are the following:
- Whenever a character performs a benificial action corresponding to a trait with a score of 10-, she must roll higher than her score on a d20 to gain a +1 on this trait (and consequently a -1 on the paired trait).
- Whenever a character performs a action not benificial to her, but corresponding to a trait with a score of 11+, she must roll higher than her score on a d20 to gain a +1 on this trait (and consequently a -1 on the paired trait).
So, basically there must be a choice: some in-game benefit vs. trait score. For example, if a character with Deceitful=7 is lying to gain something, she must roll a d20. If the die result is 7+ she will permanently change her score to 8 and consequently lower her Honest score to 13. In the opposite case, if she decides to be truthful and therefore forefeit the gain, she must roll a d20 against her Honest score. If the roll is 14+ her Honest score will now become 15 and her Deceitful 6.
In this way characters can do whatever they want to but immediately see the consequences of their actions back in their personality scores.
The main question is now, how to implement D&D alignment rules into this system. Of the top of my head alignment restrictions, spells dealing with alignment, and items usable by only certain alignments, need to be addressed and will be the subjects of the upcoming posts.
Thursday, 24 September 2015
Using dice differently
In an old post on D&D with porn stars, Zak mused about using cards in stead of dice when creating something where (random) relations are also of interest. When drawing two or more cards, the suits and numbers indicate relations when the same or opposing forces, for instance, when different.
Definitely useful, and fun to boot, but dice may give you something similar and I do not mean rolling multiple times and see if results are identical or not.
When picking dice from your dice bag, the colour, number of sides, material, texture, transparency, marbliness etc. may also be tagged to different properties of the facts you want to decide on.
This made me wonder to what extent I am using dice at the table, and I have to admit, not so much. What I do, is rolling for multiple attacks (multiple monsters or multiple attacks from a single creature). After tossing the dice, the most left one is then the attack roll for the first monster, the next one for the second etc. Or, different colours may mean different type of attacks; bite or claw. Usually, I also throw dice for damage simultaneously to save time in case the attack is a hit.
Also, for random encounters I use multiple dice. If I have to roll once for every 3 hours, then I roll 4 dice for the day, with the left one happening first etc. Dice may also be used to give info on the mini's on the table (number of rounds for certain effects), or may even reflect monsters.
But to grab a random die and have its properties mean something, that is something to explore more in depth in the coming sessions. I will see if I can come up with something useful during play.
Any of you a suggestion how to use die properties in play?
Definitely useful, and fun to boot, but dice may give you something similar and I do not mean rolling multiple times and see if results are identical or not.
When picking dice from your dice bag, the colour, number of sides, material, texture, transparency, marbliness etc. may also be tagged to different properties of the facts you want to decide on.
This made me wonder to what extent I am using dice at the table, and I have to admit, not so much. What I do, is rolling for multiple attacks (multiple monsters or multiple attacks from a single creature). After tossing the dice, the most left one is then the attack roll for the first monster, the next one for the second etc. Or, different colours may mean different type of attacks; bite or claw. Usually, I also throw dice for damage simultaneously to save time in case the attack is a hit.
Also, for random encounters I use multiple dice. If I have to roll once for every 3 hours, then I roll 4 dice for the day, with the left one happening first etc. Dice may also be used to give info on the mini's on the table (number of rounds for certain effects), or may even reflect monsters.
But to grab a random die and have its properties mean something, that is something to explore more in depth in the coming sessions. I will see if I can come up with something useful during play.
Any of you a suggestion how to use die properties in play?
Friday, 18 September 2015
My thoughts are being eaten
Two weeks ago Zak, of D&D with porn stars, started the Thought Eater DIY RPG Essay Tournament. The idea is that 2 competitors will write an essay on the same subject and the public may vote who is to proceed to the next round for another essay for yet another subject.
I joined in to see how I will fare within the field of, assumingly, native speakers and DIY guru's. I am not supposed to publish my entries here before the end of the voting, or even to say if my essay is already online or not, but as soon as I am allowed to, I will post my entries here as well.
Might just as well be the proper kick-off of this blog ...
I joined in to see how I will fare within the field of, assumingly, native speakers and DIY guru's. I am not supposed to publish my entries here before the end of the voting, or even to say if my essay is already online or not, but as soon as I am allowed to, I will post my entries here as well.
Might just as well be the proper kick-off of this blog ...
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Playing the game wrongly

As said before, my first contact with RPGs was in 1985, aged 13, through the game 'Het oog des Meesters'; basically a simplified D&D game in the sense of less rules and sparser tables. To be fair, it also had some interesting features which did not occur in the D&D games, on which I will undoubtedly write in future posts. We started out with three friends and though the circle of players grew slowly but surely, we did not have an experienced player around who could act as 'mentor'. And so we had to develop our own play style.
I vividly remember the first dungeon I created. It was a castle (I had a preference for buildings because the sample adventure that came with the box was placed in a building as well) and every room was stocked with one or more monsters. Without even playing a single session, I was already bored with the 'standard' goblins and orcs, and thus I ended up with a set of rooms full of high-level opponents; a totally awesome, if not entirely realistic, castle. I sent my little brother in, who just had rolled his very first 1st level character, and he immediately faced his first encounter; a gigantic ape, one of the thougher monsters from the book.
He somehow managed to kill it. And although I cannot remember how it went, I can imagine that a very plausible scenario would include me willing him not to destroy my creation by dying in the very first room and thus fudging dice results. Point is that he survived, albeit barely, and stumbled into the second room severely wounded, where he died after a few combat rounds.
I realized that something was amiss. With the current setup it was clear that he would not stand a chance to defeat any monster beyond the first encounter and since my creation was, in my view, perfect, it meant that we were playing the game wrong. The only logical solution was that characters were automatically at full health after each and every encounter! How else could you play this game and survive!?
Luckily, it took not much time to find out what roleplaying was about and what roles the 'boring' low-level monsters could play in exciting adventures.
Friday, 24 April 2015
Monsters: Hive creatures
I love hive creatures; creatures who are stronger in a group than as individuals. There are various approaches to implement the 'hivyness' and the example below does that by creating a single entity whose stats depend on the amount of creatures. By the lack of a better name, I dubbed it as the bee swarm.
Bee swarm
The bee swarm can take up any shape, ranging from a cloud to a humanoid appearance. It is almost immune to slashing and piercing weapons (each doing only 1 dmg per hit) and also bludgeoning weapons do only half damage. It is, however, very vulnerable to fire (double damage). The bee swarm can be of any size according to the amount of bees it consists of. For every 10 hp it gains one attack. Casters who are attacked by the swarm cannot cast spells, even when the attack misses. Below 10 hp the swarm is considered to be dispersed, possibly with the bees fleeing to grow another hive swarm.
Int: Semi-Intelligent (2-4)
# Appearing: Varies
Size: Varies
HD: Varies
AC: 5
THAC0: 15
# Attacks: 1 attack/10 hp
Damage/attack: 1d6
Bee swarm
The bee swarm can take up any shape, ranging from a cloud to a humanoid appearance. It is almost immune to slashing and piercing weapons (each doing only 1 dmg per hit) and also bludgeoning weapons do only half damage. It is, however, very vulnerable to fire (double damage). The bee swarm can be of any size according to the amount of bees it consists of. For every 10 hp it gains one attack. Casters who are attacked by the swarm cannot cast spells, even when the attack misses. Below 10 hp the swarm is considered to be dispersed, possibly with the bees fleeing to grow another hive swarm.
Int: Semi-Intelligent (2-4)
# Appearing: Varies
Size: Varies
HD: Varies
AC: 5
THAC0: 15
# Attacks: 1 attack/10 hp
Damage/attack: 1d6
The mandatory OGL post
I am not sure how often I will post stuff that actually can be used in your games. But if I do, it will be under the Open Game License (OGL), unless stated otherwise.
Thursday, 23 April 2015
A short introduction
So, yeah, I play games, read about games, and think a lot about
games. Then why not write about games as well? The focus of this blog
will be RPGs and foremostly D&D. Also, English is not my first
language, and the blog will be a welcome exercise.
I live in the Netherlands and will have a different background and view on pop culture, games, and influences than most of the other D&D related blogs. I hope this will lead to interesting insights.
As for my personal RPG history: my first encounter with RPGs was in 1985 through a high school friend. He just had received the box 'Het oog des meesters' for his birthday (published in english under the name 'The dark eye', if I am correct). I was instantaneously hooked and bought the very next day the same box and the expansion from my pocket money and never ever regretted it. In 1990 AD&D (2e) came into view and particularly that game was played a lot.
Since 2010 or so, I encountered the OSR which had a big influence on my games, views, and insights. And also my interest in older versions of D&D and its influences. Currently I DM a 2e campaign and play in a Pathfinder campaign.
All of the above will undoubtedly be explored more in depth in future posts.
Welcome, and may your gear never hamper you in your explorations.
I live in the Netherlands and will have a different background and view on pop culture, games, and influences than most of the other D&D related blogs. I hope this will lead to interesting insights.
As for my personal RPG history: my first encounter with RPGs was in 1985 through a high school friend. He just had received the box 'Het oog des meesters' for his birthday (published in english under the name 'The dark eye', if I am correct). I was instantaneously hooked and bought the very next day the same box and the expansion from my pocket money and never ever regretted it. In 1990 AD&D (2e) came into view and particularly that game was played a lot.
Since 2010 or so, I encountered the OSR which had a big influence on my games, views, and insights. And also my interest in older versions of D&D and its influences. Currently I DM a 2e campaign and play in a Pathfinder campaign.
All of the above will undoubtedly be explored more in depth in future posts.
Welcome, and may your gear never hamper you in your explorations.
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